Planning product supplies for the year, taking into account minimizing transportation costs

Tatyana V. Malanova, Sergey V. Bakhvalov, Danil V. Yanhaev, Vadim L. Arshinsky

Irkutsk national research state technical university

The article examines the problem of planning the transportation of goods from suppliers to consumers for a year, divided into several periods, during which it is necessary to remove a certain part of the goods. The goods are exported over several flights. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use two models of the transport problem, each of which has a time constraint added. In one of them, the variables are the number of flights, and in the other, the amount of cargo transported from each consumer to each supplier. For the correct application of these models in each period, it is proposed to prepare input data by carrying out a p

linear programming problem, transportation problem, mathematical modeling, operations research, transportation management
