Cybersecurity risk assessment of information and communication infrastructure of intelligent energy system

Irina N. Kolosok, Liudmila A. Gurina

Melentiev Energy Systems Institute Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The digital energy paradigm is focused on the establishment of cyber-physical systems and the large-scale use of Smart Grid technologies. Apart from the great potential of such a transition, an intelligent energy system (IES) is noted to be sensitive to ever-increasing cyber threats. The need to ensure and maintain reliable IES operation in the event of external and internal cyber-intrusions requires an analysis and consideration of possible risks of the IES cybersecurity and the development of further measures to maintain it. This paper is focused on the information and communication infrastructure of the IES and cybersecurity properties of SCADA and WAMS, which are part of the infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of cybersecurity risk factors that are further taken into account when developing a cybersecurity risk assessment algorithm of the information and communication infrastructure of the electric power system based on the theory of fuzzy sets, which is the result of the presented research. The performance of the algorithm under uncertainty demonstrates its effectiveness.

risk, cybersecurity, SCADA system, WAMS, electric power system
