Linearization of redundant mechanical structures of complex technical systems
Arkadij N. Bozhko, Roman V. Chernjaev
N.E. Bauman MSTU
The paper deals with the problem of synthesis of non-redundant mechanical structures of complex technical systems. A hypergraph is used as a mathematical model of the mechanical structure. This model adequately describes the processes of assembly, disassembly and decomposition of the product into assembly units. It can be used to identify the structural redundancy of the product. In terms of the hypergraph model, overcoming redundancy is called linearization. It is shown that this operation can lead to the appearance of forbidden figures, that is, such subgraphs that describe unassembled constructive fragments. Algorithms are proposed that make it possible to perform linearization followed by a check for the presence of forbidden figures. The developed algorithms can be used in the design of complex technical systems in modern integrated CAD/CAM/CAE systems.
mechanical structure, hypergraph, structural redundancy, basing, contraction, assembly, assembly sequence, computer-aided design