Organizing a practice-oriented final qualification work preparation at the university
Natalia O. Nikulina, Elena B. Startseva, Anna I. Malakhova
MIREA – Russian technological university, Ufa university of science and technology
The article substantiates a need to change the existing approaches to organizing the students practice in technical universities. The results of survey analysis of senior students and employees, whose responsibilities include organization and management of various types of production practices, at technical universities, as well as publications in media about holding events at the local, regional and federal levels on the problems of filling the labor market, showed the need to solve the tasks of targeted training at the state level. The authors propose to change the approach to targeted education in universities and turn to targeted training of specialists for enterprises and organizations by allocating students to industrial (including pre-graduate) practice on a competitive base, taking into account their knowledge and skills, as well as the current needs of the receiving enterprise. A purpose of the research is to develop an approach to organizing a targeted training of specialists, as close as possible to the needs of enterprises and meeting the needs of graduates, as well as effective in terms of training costs. Within the proposed approach, an algorithm for allocating the students to practice has been developed, the novelty of which lies in organization of the trilateral interaction between universities, enterprises and students within the process of students competitive selection for practice and a possibility of graduates further employment on the practice bases using a single information platform. The algorithm, presented in the form of a BPMN model, is the basis for generating the functional requirements to the information system. A necessity of ontological modeling of the students practice allocating business process for preparing a practice-oriented final qualification work, which will allow determining the thesaurus of information system concepts and semantic relations between them, is substantiated.
personnel need, targeted training, student practice, final qualification work, employment of university graduates, business process modeling, ontological model, interaction algorithm, knowledge base, information system