Information design for dynamic cognitive modeling in energy sector
Maxim V. Kozlov, Alexey V. Mikheev
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
This paper provides an overview of the current state in the field of dynamic cognitive (system) modeling and the corresponding software tools for analyzing heterogeneous factors affecting the development of complex, poorly formalized systems in the energy sector. Existing methods for analyzing multifactor dynamic systems, as well as the application of modern simulation tools for conducting qualitative analysis, are reviewed. Approaches to dynamic cognitive modeling are presented in the context of its application for analyzing the influence of complex factors and assessing systemic effects on scientific and technological development in the energy sector. The results of the study can be used both for the development of software tools for dynamic cognitive modeling and for improving approaches to the analysis of heterogeneous factors influencing the development of energy systems.
systems analysis, cognitive modeling, dynamic cognitive models, system dynamic models, complex networks