Processing statistics of meteorological data to assess the potential for air pollution by anthropogenic emissions in the cities of Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk
Olga S. Plekhanova, Vera S. Aslamova, Alexander A. Aslamov
Irkutsk state transport university, Angarsk state technical university
The article developed an ontology of the self-cleaning ability of the atmosphere from anthropogenic pollutants and identified the influence of significant factors on it. According to the website in the created database in the My SQL DBMS the average annual and average monthly values of meteorological indicators of accumulation of MPZA, MPZA2, MPZA3, and self-purification of the atmosphere PSA, UMPA were calculated and analyzed for the large industrial cities of Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk with a high level of air pollution for 2010-2023. It has been shown that with a determination coefficient of 95.8-99.9%, instead of the MPZA3 indicator, the simpler MPZA2 indicator can be used, and instead of the difficult-to-calculate PSA indicator, the 1/MPZA indicator can be used. In Irkutsk in May, only in 7.1% of cases are favorable conditions for the dispersion of pollution formed in the atmosphere, while in Angarsk and Bratsk there are no favorable conditions for their dispersion.
meteorological potential of air pollution, ontology of factors, regression model