Development of a calculation scheme of Russia’s gas system with a focus on Eastern Siberia and the Far East

Zhanna V. Kalinina, Tatyana V. Dzyubina, Nikolay I. Ilkevich

Melentiev energy systems institute SB RAS

The present geopolitical situation has caused a decrease in gas export volumes to Western countries. In this context, it is essential to explore the potential for redirecting gas flows to the east, including the domestic market and exports. Additionally, it is crucial to actively develop LNG supplies by sea. The future expansion of the gas system is planned using optimization calculations. It is impossible to build a detailed computational model of a system that sufficiently accurately describes all its components. The calculation scheme must have fewer nodes and connections compared to the detailed scheme, while still preserving all of its main characteristics. Therefore, it is crucial to clarify the existing methods for aggregating the schemes and determining the indices of their components. The proposed methodology for aggregating the initial calculation scheme allows designing an expanded calculation scheme of the Unified gas system, which can then be used to perform calculations for the future development of the gas industry in Russia and its individual regions. The paper explores potential directions for the expansion of the gas transmission system and provides a detailed gas supply scheme for the eastern part of the country. The calculation scheme was developed for Russia’s Unified gas system with a specific focus on Eastern Siberia and the Far East to investigate the region’s development in conjunction with the country’s gas system.

gas system, gas transmission and gas production companies, initial scheme, aggregation, technical and economic characteristics, calculation scheme
