The integration of stochastic weather generators into the design of microgrids
Alexey V. Edelev, Dmitriy N. Karamov, Olga Yu. Basharina, Vasily A. Ogorodnikov, Nina A. Kargapolova, Marina S. Akenteva
Melentiev energy systems institute SB RAS, National research irkutsk state technical university, Matrosov institute for system dynamics and control theory of SB RAS, Ural state university of economics, Institute of computational mathematics and mathematical geophysics SB RAS
The objective of this paper is to develop an integrated approach to structural and parametric optimization of microgrids, taking into account the impact of various disruptions. The proposed multi-level optimization framework enables decision-makers to identify a range of promising microgrid designs within an acceptable timeframe, thereby ensuring a stable and continuous power supply to users under specified adverse conditions. In this framework, stochastic "weather generators" are crucial for generating time series of natural and climate data with varying durations that closely resemble real-world values in a given geographic location. This is done for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of intermediate and final computational results.
microgrid, resilience, reliability, subject-oriented environment, stochastic weather generators