Initial analysis of the performance of a laboratory-scale hybrid microgrid using a monitoring system

Vladislav V. Badenko, Alexander N. Kozlov

Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS

One of the directions of the modern energy industry is the development of systems involving the utilization of solar energy, wind energy, and the recycling of secondary energy resources (waste). This paper considers an energy system, denoted as a laboratory-scale hybrid microgrid, that incorporates the use of such sources. The energy system includes solar panels, a biomass gasifier, and an electric generator. Of great importance for such systems are monitoring tools to analyze the modes of operation and make modifications. With this in mind, a monitoring system was developed to track various parameters of the laboratory equipment. Thanks to the developed system, data on the operation of the microgrid was obtained, and its limitations and weaknesses were identified.

solar energy, biomass, monitoring
