Automating tools for the development and application of an applied microservices package

Gennady A. Oparin, Vera G. Bogdanova, Anton A. Pashinin

Matrosov institute for system dynamics and control theory SB RAS

Results related to the developed earlier Boolean constraint method for studying the dynamics and parametric synthesis of control systems, namely, Boolean networks, in a microservice infrastructure using knowledge base tools, are presented. The computational model of the subject area acts as a knowledge base, which is understood as a set of information about the subject area objects and the relationships between them. Each functional relationship is implemented by a computational microservice created based on a software module that calculates the values of the output parameters from the given values of the input parameters. A set of computational microservices constitutes the functional software of an applied microservices package. The system software consists of services for setting the task, planning and monitoring calculations, data management, and processing results. Agents of the applied microservices package, depending on the problem statement and the knowledge base organization, carry out computing management (decentralized, centralized or hierarchical). In connection with the studying of new classes of Boolean networks (controlled, singular, implicit, asynchronous, bipartite, and others), we are extending the earlier created applied microservices package based on the above approach and intended for solving the problems of qualitative analysis of autonomous Boolean networks. The aim of the study is to develop a new toolkit for the HPCSOMAS-MSC microservice intelligent computational platform for creating, configuring and accessing computational microservices, which allows interacting with package microservices directly through a web interface. A web interface for the subject area description is implemented in addition to the existing one based on the JSON language. The new toolkit allows both to speed up the development and debugging of microservices, and to make further interaction more convenient for the subject area specialist.

boolean network, qualitative analysis, Boolean constraint method, applied microservices package
