Ontologies system of a scientific knowledge portal for systemic energy research

Tatyana N. Vorozhtsova, Dmitrii V. Pesterev

Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS

The paper discusses issues of structuring knowledge in the field of energy research and proposes a system of ontologies to provide access to knowledge and information using the developed ontological portal of scientific knowledge. The scientific knowledge portal for energy research is being developed on the basis of the technology for constructing scientific knowledge portals developed at the A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS in Novosibirsk. The proposed ontologies system is formed taking into account the systems approach as a general methodology for systems research carried out at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS (MESI SB RAS). Examples of ontologies are given that reflect the relationships between areas of research and the complex structure of research objects.

knowledge portal, ontology, systems approach, energy, technologies for constructing knowledge portals
