Calculation of a complex fire hazard indicator in the administrative territories of the Irkutsk region

Leonid V. Arshinskiy, Vladimir V. Garmyshev, Maksim S. Mikheev, Sergey V. Saphonov

Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk National Research Technical University

The situation with fires in the Irkutsk region in 2010-2021 is considered. The analysis was carried out with the help of a comprehensive fire hazard indicator, which allows assessing the situation on the territory relative to the level of fire danger for the subject as a whole (Irkutsk region). The most and least prosperous territories are marked. It is shown that the main part of the territories is characterized by an increased level of fire danger, and some territories in some years are high and extreme. Since the complex indicator used for calculations characterizes the situation in statics, it is proposed to perform a similar calculation relative to the base year 2010 to assess the dynamics. It is shown that the dynamics of the situation looks somewhat better, but the changes are not fundamental. It is assumed that the high level of fire danger in the region is associated with a high proportion of wooden buildings and a long (more than six months) heating period with poor provision of fire protection facilities in the residential sector, where up to 80% of fires occur

fire hazard, fires, Irkutsk region, risks, complex fire hazard indicator
